GOLOV-20: Powerful Joe Dispenza Meditation

Dr. Joe Dispenza just started an initiative to spread love around the world called GOLOV-20.  The idea is to spread love amongst our community and out into the world.

How to Practice Joe Dispenza Meditation for Love: GOLOV-20

According to Dr. Joe Dispenza, GOLOV-20 meditation is a really simple process:

Think of someone that you love and you care about, it could be your mother, your father, a sibling, it could be your children, or it could be someone that you work with. 

Take a moment and really think about what you love about them and what we found works. 

The best is, if you just begin to write a text or send an email or do an audio recording or video recording, telling them what you love about them. 

According to Dr. Dispenza, when people start to express love, it starts to open their heart. 

Once you find someone that you care about, and you send some message to them, expressing your love for them, the next step is to do a simple 15 minute meditation. 

When you love someone and you express love for them, you’re really expressing that love with the intention for them to feel the love that you’re feeling. 

And so typically, we normally give to people that we love, but because we are limited by space and time you are to take them into your heart and feel the love that you feel for them. 

Dr. Dispenza’s research shows that when people are truly in their hearts, that the love that they feel begins to influence people, when they feel love and their heart begins to be in a more rhythmic and coherent fashion. 

People at a distance, begin to experience that same type of heart pattern. They begin to feel loved. So it transcends space and time. And all you have to do is open your heart and have the intention to hold the image of that person, understanding that, you want them to feel the love that you feel. 

GOLOV-20: Joe Dispenza Meditation

GOLOV-20 Meditation – Dr. Joe Dispenza

Dr. Dispenza’s research shows that when you truly open your heart just for 15 to 20 minutes a day for three or four days that you’ll strengthen your immune system by 50% that love tends to bond and it connects. And we want to create a community of people that are connected by the frequency and energy of love. 

And so, it’s not difficult. You can do one a day, and if you feel inclined and you want to do more, you’re free to do as many as you like. But we want you to stay in love. When you love others, you love yourself. In fact, you can’t love another person without you being in love. 

Who is Joe Dispenza

Dr Joe Dispenza is a scientist, author and lecturer who has extensively researched the relationship between the brain and human behavior.

He has written several books on the topic, including Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One. In it, he discusses how people can change their thoughts and behaviors by changing their neurobiology.

Dr Dispenza’s work has been featured in documentaries such as What The Bleep Do We Know!?. He regularly speaks at conferences around the world on neuroscience, quantum physics, meditation, and change.

Final Thoughts

The more people who open their hearts and send love out into the world, the more people will feel that love, no matter where they are. Scientific research show that unconditional love is mediated by a distinct neural network relative to that mediating other emotions. And as we continue to send our positive thoughts and emotions out into the universe, we create a force of good that can help make the world a better place. Why not start your day by practicing the GOLOV-20 Joe Dispenza meditation for love? It only takes 20 minutes and you’ll be doing your part to help spread love throughout the world.


Dr Joe Dispenza

Last Updated on November 26, 2024

Last update on 2025-02-17 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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