10 Best Crystals for Anxiety and Stress Relief in 2024

The following healing crystals are known for their ability calm the nerves, soothe anxiety and heal emotional wounds. Try working with one or more of these best  crystals for anxiety, to help you relax and release the stress and negative emotions from your body, mind and aura.


Crystals for Anxiety - Amethyst
Crystals for Anxiety – Amethyst

Amethyst is a great stone to reduce stress and help one to work out stressful situations. It is known as a stone of contentment, which helps to lower stress. Amethyst works with the Third-Eye and Crown Chakras and stabilizes the Aura. It is also used for deflecting and transmuting negative energies. Amethyst clears away any chaotic, worried, or anxiety-ridden thoughts, making it one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief.

You can use Amethyst as a meditation aid. Amethyst imparts a calm, peaceful and soothing vibe, allowing you to enter the deeper states of consciousness.

You can also wear and Amethyst stone or a piece of Amethyst jewelry to help promote physical and spiritual health. Amethyst has an instantly calming effect on everything around it, whether as a piece of jewelry or as a large cluster placed in a room.

Blue Lace Agate

Crystals for Anxiety - Blue lace agate
Crystals for Anxiety – Blue lace agate gemstone

Blue Lace Agate is one of the best crystals for anxiety and stress relief. It is ideal for situations where you know you must speak up and don’t feel confident that you can find the right words. It helps you speak your truth with conviction in a way others can understand. Holding and meditating with Blue Lace Agate can help to calm your nerves and reduce your anxiety. You can wear a blue lace agate bracelet, or carry a blue lace agate in your pocket, to help bring in some soothing vibrations throughout the day.


Crystals for Anxiety - Fluorite
Crystals for Anxiety – Fluorite

Fluorite’s  powerful properties bring vibrations of peace and calm into your life. Fluorite clears and clarifies mental clutter. If you are confused and distracted by too many ideas, or worries about the future, Fluorite will put your mind at ease, enabling you to focus on what is important in your life at the present moment.

Fluorite is one of the best crystals for healing and rejuvenating the mind and body. When you meditate with Fluorite, imagine your energy body being filled with bright white light that will shield you and inspire you to tackle whatever comes your way.


Crystals for Anxiety - Lepidolite
Crystals for Anxiety – Lepidolite

Lepidolite is one of the most effective crystals for anxiety. It helps with stress and worry when life feels turbulent and overwhelming. It can help you stay focused on the present, relieving worry about the future and letting go of stuck patterns from the past.
It is especially useful during meditation. You can place a Lepidolite crystal over your third eye or hold a piece in each of your hands to bring peace and harmony.


Crystals for Anxiety - Selenite meditation technique
Crystals for Anxiety – Selenite

Selenite is a powerful stone for releasing stress and anxiety. It holds an high vibrational light energy. Selenite is best known for being a clearing & purification crystal. Selenite purifies your energy field of any heavy or dense energy so you can raise your vibration to a higher frequency. It can be used to clear the aura from negativity or stuck energy, and to clear crystals by placing them on top of a flat piece of selenite.


Crystals for Anxiety - Shungite
Crystals for Anxiety – Shungite

Shungite is a lustrous black rock consisting almost entirely of carbon. It helps purify negative emotions and energies and transmute them into Light. Shungite helps relieve anxiety and promotes healthy sleep. Shungite also helps to detoxify your body and energy field, helping you get rid of anything harmful to your body.


Crystals for Anxiety - Sodalite
Crystals for Anxiety – Sodalite

Sodalite stimulates the mind and consciousness to create enhanced intuition, creativity, and powers of analysis and observation. It can enhance the ability to be an objective witness of your internal processes

Black Tourmaline

Crystals for Anxiety - Black Tourmaline
Crystals for Anxiety – Black Tourmaline

Black Tourmaline protects against negativity. It is excellent for deflecting radiation energy. It enhances ones physical well being by providing an increase in physical vitality, emotional stability, and intellectual acuity.

To get rid of worry and fear, hold a chunk of Black Tourmaline in each hand, and visualize your worries, fear and anxiety being absorbed by the Black Tourmaline crystals.

Smoky Quartz

Crystals for Anxiety - Smoky Quartz
Crystals for Anxiety – Smoky Quartz

Smoky Quartz is a grounding stone that helps you release any unwanted energies. Smoky Quartz is known to protect and ground one physically and spiritually. Smoky Quartz also absorbs and transmutes negative energy, releasing it to the Earth to be cleansed naturally. It lifts depression and negativity, acting as a shield for emotional and environment stress. Smoky Quartz relieves tension, anxiety and panic attacks. Smoky Quartz allows you to let go of stressful or anxious thoughts. By releasing the lower vibrations to your Smoky Quartz crystal,  you don’t have to carry them with you anymore.


Rose Quartz

Crystals for Anxiety - Rose Quartz
Crystals for Anxiety – Rose Quartz

Rose Quartz is a stone of the heart and unconditional love, circulating divine loving energy. Its energy helps with compassion, peace, attracts love, romance, and intimacy. It also inspires the love of beauty, in oneself, others, nature, and that which stimulates the imagination.
The powerful energy of this Rose Quartz Crystal helps raise your vibration from a state of anxiety to a state of love and light.

To get the most benefit from a rose quartz, wear the gemstone on a pendant around your neck. This allows the stone to stay close to your heart and help close emotional wounds, promote self-love, and keep your heart open to positive relationships. A gift of a rose quartz can be a wonderful message to someone going though a divorce, breakup, family estrangement, or any struggle with loneliness and lack of inner peace.

Final Thoughts

In addition to using crystals for anxiety and stress relief, you can use crystals for manifesting anything you want. You can use crystals for manifesting money, love, health or anything in between.


Scientific Relaxation Techniques for Health & Well Being

Last Updated on February 25, 2024

Last update on 2024-09-18 / Affiliate links / Images from Amazon Product Advertising API

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